
"Apple Core has been extremely satisfied with the Frylow bricks. We have had them in place for almost 2 years now. We have decreased our fryer shortening by 50% from day 1 and have maintained that same ratio. With our 23 locations we had a savings of 1,094 tubs of oil the first month and have maintained that each month since. That is a savings of $1,284.26 per location per month. Our ROI on Frylow was 3-4 months"

Dusty Jensen COO, Apple Core Enterprises

"With purchasing responsibilities for restaurants located all over the contiguous US, Alaska and Hawaii Restaurant’s Unlimited Inc., I field many requests to try new products and technologies. Despite Frylow’s many testimonials and established presence in the market, we were naturally skeptical about the extraordinary claims Frylow made while pitching their product.

We decided to test run Frylow in one of our northern California locations for 3 months and were surprised to see a 45% reduction in fry oil purchases compared to the same period the prior year. We have since rolled out Frylow to all Washington and California locations with Oregon slated to be next and so on…

Over the past year we have consistently seen a stable, near 50% reduction in fry oil purchases across the board, resulting in 6 figure savings. Additionally we have benefited from higher food quality. Significantly less oil is absorbed affording a much healthier product and our fried food stays crispier longer with better color. It is my professional opinion that any restaurant using fryers should use Frylow."

Theo LaConte RUI-Supply Chain Manager

"After completing our due diligence at the largest and one of the busiest Ruth’s Chris in the U.S., our group has rolled out Frylow in all our locations. These are the results we got from Frylow:

Better tasting product 10-20% reduced cook time 10F reduced oil temps More evenly cooked product with no burning tips or fragment We typically changed our oil every 3-4 days and now go 10-12 days. I don’t need to tell you the savings this brings to the table on overall cost and oil."

Jeffrey M Blair DOO, Hoosier Hospitality Group, Ruth Chris Steakhouse